Discover BRADD


August 31, 2019 through October 30, 2019
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Organized by Megan Meredith and Andee Rudloff

Poster designs of area events by Western Kentucky University Graphic Design Students with Graphic Design Assistant Professor Natalie Tyree

The Discover BRADD exhibition can be found in the educational gallery at SKyPAC September 1 through October 31, 2019. The work was thoughtfully and beautifully designed by Western Kentucky University (WKU) graphic design students during their 2019 summer term with WKU Graphic Design Assistant Professor, Natalie Tyree.

All the posters are based on events promoting positive change within the Barren River Area Development District, BRADD. This area consists of ten bordering counties within south central Kentucky; Allen, Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Hart, Logan Metcalfe, Monroe, Simpson, and Warren County.

Graphic design skills and techniques are important aspects in advertising. When planning any event, promotion is key to gaining an audience. Posters can spark attention, encourage attendance, and set the mood for an event. Influencing community members to “show out” and support local events can done by advertising with eye-catching posters similar to the ones found within the Discover BRADD exhibition. Celebrate all that BRADD has to offer!

“It has been my privilege as curator to discover new works, new artists, promote local events, and give students at my alma mater, Western Kentucky University, an opportunity to show their work. The pieces displayed in this exhibition allow the audience to learn of local events by viewing artwork. That is the best way to learn and catch a person’s attention! Many of the events displayed also promote the celebration of our differences/similarities, stimulate thoughts of positive activism, and encourage learning. It is important for community members to assist one another by attending and promoting local events, especially events like the ones displayed within this show. By supporting local events that advocate, teach, and stand for something bigger than itself a movement in the right direction occurs and allows for more similar events to happen, community members foster connections, attendees are educated which promotes positive growth within themselves and the community as a whole.”

Megan Meredith, curator

Discover BRADD was a collaboration between SKYPAC and WKU Graphic Design students. This exhibition symbolizes a celebration and awareness of community and the BRADD region. It is important that students recognize the impact of community and the significance of community as a creative and cultural epicenter. During their summer courses, students from Professor Tyree’s design courses coordinate with SKYPAC staff to create this exhibition. Each student selected their events and were responsible for researching their community significance and impact. Their approached was individualized through concept and creative approach.

Natalie Tyree, WKU Graphic Design Assistant Professor