Dreamscapes: Explorations of the Surreal

Opening Reception: Friday, June 2nd from 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM in conjunction with the BG Gallery Hop
Artist: Emily Hendricksen
This current body of work has evolved over the past couple of years since I allowed collage to become my medium of choice. From small beginnings in the exploration of saints and icons which I have included in this exhibit, my work has developed more into the realm of surrealism. The most current of these are mainly investigations in the style of pop-surrealism and dream-like thoughts. They attempt to place emphasis on social issues in self-preservation, introspection, philosophies, fairy tales, dreams and much more, all coexisting. Some lean towards chaos and random thought, revealing their story in the more complex details within.
I have always been drawn towards the surreal and fantasy worlds of childhood tales, myths and legends, and religious/spiritual dogmas. Through these ideologies, my creations seek to represent a sense of chaotic dream-like scenes or metaphors, that leave the viewer with a feeling of familiarity, and fun. Some of my images also speak with a darker tone to the viewer, furthermore engaging them to reflect on the subject at hand.
The materials I use are usually taken from old books bought at discount stores, yard sales and donation centers, as well as old magazines and catalogs. Most of the time I look through these and cut out items, images, backgrounds, and words that draw my attention. Often, it’s a simple image that can inspire me to create a collage. Some images I find can invoke certain feelings that I build around and often time evolve on its own.
Finally, in my endeavors to create something fun, intriguing, dark, beautiful, ugly, sinister, calming and chaotic; this body of work has been one that has helped me personally as an artist to grow and reach beyond my comfort zone. I like to ask questions and slowly push boundaries I’ve never considered to cross before. Small steps into a direction of becoming a more developed human being is perhaps the true goal of my work.